Ecoroute is a route optimization system. It calculates optimal route(s) based on inputs of delivery addresses and vehicles.
You can get started using Ecoroute right away by uploading a CSV (comma-separated values) file, which is a text file with information separated by commas.
Ecoroute route optimizer accepts a CSV file describing addresses and a CSV file describing vehicles. For each address specific requirements (such as lift is needed) can be described as capacities. Up to five different capacity requirements can be described on each address. Requirement for time frame can also be defined. On each vehicle up to five different capacities can be defined (such as the vehicle has a lift). Also, timeframe for availability of the vehicle can be defined.
The CSV file describing addresses has the following format:
A header line with the following columns
and a line for each defined address.
The location of an address can be defined by values in the columns “wgs_lat” and “wgs_long”.If no values are entered in the columns “wgs_lat” and “wgs_long”, the location of an address is searched based on the values in the columns “Streetname”, “Houseno”, “Litra” and “Postcode”.The columns “Streetname” and “Postcode” must have values for this type of search. The search can replace the Streetname if, for example, it is misspelled. If the Streetname is replaced it will be shown in the response.